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Today’s World is Driven by Content

We have access to just about any content we want these days.  Any subject. Any style. We are literally connected to an endless stream of material. Consumers’ love of searching and swiping leaves brands with unique opportunities and challenges.

How Do You Differentiate Your Brand?

Everyone from your dry cleaner to your next-door neighbor has an online persona–what’s yours?

Yolk Content is here to take care of the management of the often-overlooked details that, when synthesized together, keep a company on the minds of their customers.

We achieve this by offering unparalleled support, including content creation, website production, branding/marketing analysis, market research, translation services, and beyond. Chances are, you have a strong vision of your own, we’re here to ensure that your customers see it, too.

Yolk Content offers holistic marketing devices to unify all aspects of your brand–both on and off-line.

An Era of Rejuvenated Brands that Have Embraced Holistic Marketing

Today’s successful companies manage to weave together a cohesiveness within their brand identity. They have multiple outlets to engage their audiences. Our holistic, integrated marketing approach uses similar modeling to include all the tools that serve your brand and your market:

  • Creative engagement through website creation, PR, social media, subject matter expert positioning, and online event-creation
  • Socially responsible marketing to engage your clients with relevant content that means the most to them
  • Customer relationship management plans seamlessly constructed using the powerful metrics that reveal your brand’s truth

Work With Yolk Content to Establish A New Baseline of Brand Strength

We customize each engagement with recommendations tailored to your unique position and customer engagement needs. During your free consultation call, we will work to understand all of your requirements, including time-frame, commitment level, and budget.  

While each offering is customized, this will give you a general roadmap of the type of work we do:

Basic Advanced Elite Premium
Creating some basic tools to nuture deeper customer relationships.

  • SEO-optimization of your website and its content
  • Define and use a unique Call to Action (CTA)
  • Comprehensive email marketing funnel action plan
Anchoring your platform with core content. 

All the previous plus:

  • The creation of 10 unique blog posts and/or a personalized PDF/e-book
Expanding the reach and visibility of your content. 

All the previous plus:

  • The ongoing management of your social media channels
  • Creation of unique brand stories
  • Basic paid advertising campaign implementation to increase customer outreach
Reaching new levels of customer engagement. 

All the previous plus:

  • Expanded and multi-platform marketing campaigns
  • Ongoing custom content writing for your blog
Yolk Content is a holistic marketing and content management agency.


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